For the past 20 weeks, I have undergone industrial training at the Civil Department of Eastern Steel Sdn. Bhd., throughout the time I have learned the various things related to
civil construction and project management. Therefore, I would like to list a summary
activities for what I have done in these 20 weeks as following:
Internship period     : 20 weeks
Internship start date: 1 July 2018
Internship end date  : 15 November 2018
My working time schedule are as below:

8.00A.M. - 12.00P.M.
12.00P.M. - 1.00P.M.
1.00P.M. - 5P.M.

Week 1 (1/7/2018 - 5/7/2018)
  1. Report at Human Resource Department of company and signed for internship contract. Meet with HOD of Civil department and get a place in the office.
  2. Attend to company safety training.
    - Blue colour sign: MUST DO
    - Red colour sign : PROHIBITED TO DO
    - Yellow colour sign: WARNING / HAZARDOUS AREA
    - Green colour sign: SAFE AREA
  3. Get acquainted with the colleagues in Civil department.
  4. Get to know all the departments in company.
  5. Translate project contract in Chinese to English.
Week 2 (8/7/2018 - 14/7/2018)
  1. Check and arrange drawing plans into related files in computer.
  2. Site visit to slag bay plant project, billet plant phase 2 project and scattered projects (heavy vehicle workshop and concrete slab at coal store).
  3. Draw a plan for ESSB heavy vehicle workshop (foundation and slab).
  4. Record and writing meeting minutes (12/7/2018).
Week 3 (15/7/2018 - 21/7/2018)
  1. Make sure the measurement of trench for heavy vehicle workshop is suitable for the vehicle to stop on.
  2. Site visit to slag bay plant project, billet plant phase 2 project and scattered projects (heavy vehicle workshop). Check the quality and specifications of work for the projects.
  3. Measure non-building area of contractor's (Baoye) workers living place, then draw out the area by using AutoCAD 2016 software.
  4. Measure Coal store outside area (South side) and draw in paper by using manual method.
  5. Project contract translation work from Chinese to English.
  6. Writing project weekly report by using Microsoft Word.
  7. Edit the details of heavy vehicle workshop drawing plan.
Week 4 (22/7/2018 - 28/7/2018)
  1. Draw the coal store's outside area (South side) in AutoCAD 2016 and send to quantity surveyor.
  2. Measure a space area at south side of office and draw in AutoCAD 2016 for scrap station project.
  3. Study the plan of billet plant front section's foundations and the plan of overturn cover support of pyrolyzation pool. Then, check the reinforcement and form work at site based on the design.
  4. Write site weekly report for construction progress of billet plant, slag bay and scattered project as well as the safety and quality issue.
  5. Site visit and check progression as well as work quality at slag bay plant project, billet plant phase 2 project front and back section, coal store and heavy vehicle workshop.
  6. Attend and record billet plant site meeting minutes and send to project groups.
Week 5 (29/7/2018 - 4/8/2018)
  1. Attend and writing meeting minutes for slag bay plant project meeting.
  2. Attend to a talk for scattered project management procedure.
  3. Measure a measurement of a current wires protection platform at south side of blast furnace, iron making plant with 100m measuring tape and draw a plan in AutoCAD for contractor to see and build a new one.
  4. Edit the drawing plan of scrap station (add pile points for foundation, structural plan of ground beam and foundation) and provide measurement point to land surveyor for finding out the coordinate.
  5. Draw a plan of pipeline protection structure by using AutoCAD 2016 with the guide from superior and print out for contractor.
  6. Translate a Mandarin language contract into English language.
  7. Site visit to billet plant phase 2 project, slag bay and heavy vehicle workshop project.
Week 6 (5/8/2018 - 11/8/2018)
  1. Read, understand and translate 3 scattered project contracts from 3 different departments in Mandarin language into English language.
  2. Measure an area at raw material yard with 100m measuring tape and measuring wheel.
  3. Check the area measurement of water resistance layers on few different department building based on the amount stated in bills of quantities and found out some differences. Then, ask the contractor to change the amount.
  4. Attend to billet plant phase 2 project site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then, send to project group after verified by HOD.
  5. Writing weekly report of site progress.
  6. Study a China standard Civil Engineering handbook about the steel reinforcement writing method on drawing plan and billet plant phase 2 project front section plans (0.000m & 4.000m level plan).
  7. Attend to a training conducted by Human Resource department which required every department to prepare a staff name list and photo to pass to Human Resource department.
  8. Draw a plan for lump ore storage canopy foundation with 108 piles point.
  9. Site visit and check the work specification at slag bay plant, billet plant phase 2 project and heavy vehicle workshop.
Week 7 (12/8/2018 - 18/8/2018)
  1. Measure and record the old steel structures, then draw in AutoCAD for superior to refer.
  2. Edit the plan of pipeline protection structure (add details), heavy vehicle workshop (add 42 embedded parts on floor) and lump ore storage canopy piles point plan. Then, send back to quantity surveyor for preparing the bills of quantities.
  3. Discuss the method to build the floor at heavy vehicle workshop with superior and contractor.
  4. Measure and make sure the steel plate and channel steel size prepared by contractor to build the wires protection platform are same as per requested.
  5. Bring contractor workers to attend for safety training before start work at Iron Making Plant.
  6. Draw a plan of raw material yards location and send to HOD for reference.
  7. Attend for billet plant phase 2 project meeting and writing meeting minutes to send to project groups after reviewed by superior.
  8. Site visit to billet plant phase 2 project, slag bay project, 55MW power plant project and heavy vehicle workshop project.
Week 8 (19/8/2018 - 25/8/2018)
  1. Study the plan of billet plant front section about the beam reinforcement.
  2. Go and take CO gas detector for contractor to work at IMP near blast furnace.
  3. Prepare a drawing plan of pipeline support structure with detailed measurements for contractor to start the work as soon as possible. Count the volume of the structures and change unit to weight for estimate the cost of construction.
  4. Study the drafted plan of sound insulation project at Oxygen Making Plant (OMP) by contractor and then start to draw in AutoCAD 2016.
  5. Measure the area and depth of floor at heavy vehicle workshop to make sure the measurement are based on the drawing.
Week 9 (26/8/2018 - 1/9/2018)
  1. Continue drawing the plan of sound insulation project at OMP.
  2. Edit the details of heavy vehicle workshop plan and north and south side floor plan of coal store. Then print out for contractor.
  3. Attend to billet plant phase 2 project site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then send the minutes to project groups.
  4. Draw a coke storage plan with 144 piles point.
  5. Start to write site daily progress report and send to project groups.
  6. Collect a series of billet plant phase 2 project plans (construction, steel structure, mechanical and electrical, pipeline and equipment).
  7. Study billet plant phase 2 project front section plan.
Week 10 (2/9/2018 - 8/9/2018)
  1. Writing site daily progress report and send to project groups.
  2. Attend to site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then send the minutes to project groups.
  3. Check the reinforcement work at foundations of hydraulic station of billet plant front section.
  4. Installing Chinese fonts in AutoCAD 2016 to read special Chinese fonts on some billet plant phase 2 project drawing plans. Reinstall the AutoCAD 2016 to fix the unsolved Chinese fonts compatibility problem.
  5. Keeping and updating the scattered project application form in computer.
  6. Add a 1x0.8m drain cover in heavy vehicle workshop plan.
  7. Go with staffs from Production department to see the place to construct a foundation for electrical gate barrier at main gate and gate at Taman Eastern Steel.
  8. Site visit to billet plant phase 2 project, slag bay project, 55MW power plant project, lump ore storage canopy project and wires protection platform.
Week 11 (9/9/2018 - 15/9/2018)
  1. Writing site daily progress report and weekly progress report. Then, send to project groups.
  2. Prepare meeting materials (Weekly report and next week project plan) for the company project meeting.
  3. Attend to site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then send the minutes to project groups.
  4. Follow up with project progress payments and update to HOD.
  5. Visit to Kinsteel Sdn. Bhd. at Gebeng, Kuantan for the factory building, equipment, machine and surrounding area.
  6. Ask sub-contractor to disassemble the scaffolding which don't have the certificate and using skylift to carry out anti-rust and painting work for pipeline protection structure.
  7. Site visit to billet plant phase 2 project, slag bay project, 55MW power plant project and Coke power plant back fill project.
Week 12 (16/9/2018 - 22/9/2018)
  1. Writing site daily progress report and weekly progress report. Then, send to project groups.
  2. Prepare meeting materials (Weekly report and next week project plan) for the company project meeting.
  3. Attend to site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then send the minutes to project groups.
  4. Draw a sound insulation project plan from superior drafted plan by using AutoCAD 2016.
  5. Record and keep the scanned scattered projects application form in computer.
  6. Site visit to billet plant phase 2 project, slag bay project, 55MW power plant project and comprehensive building project.
Week 13 (23/9/2018 - 29/9/2018)
  1. Writing site daily progress report and weekly progress report. Then, send to project groups.
  2. Prepare meeting materials (Weekly report and next week project plan) for the company project meeting.
  3. Attend to site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then send the minutes to project groups.
  4. Record and keep the scanned scattered projects application form in computer (hyperlink the scanned JPEG files into Microsoft Excel).
  5. Site visit to billet plant phase 2 project, slag bay project, 55MW power plant project and comprehensive building project.
Week 14 (30/9/2018 - 6/10/2018)
  1. Writing site daily progress report and weekly progress report. Then, send to project groups.
  2. Prepare meeting materials (Weekly report and next week project plan) for the company project meeting.
  3. Attend to site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then send the minutes to project groups.
  4. Keep 55MW power plant project drawing plans in computer and study the boiler foundation drawing plan.
  5. Edit the lump ore and coke storage canopy drawing plans (add foundation structure details).
  6. Site visit to billet plant phase 2 project, slag bay project, 55MW power plant project and comprehensive building project.
Week 15 (7/10/2018 - 13/10/2018)
  1. Writing site daily progress report and weekly progress report. Then, send to project groups.
  2. Prepare meeting materials (Weekly report and next week project plan) for the company project meeting.
  3. Attend to site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then send the minutes to project groups. Attend to 55MW power plant project meeting.
  4. Help contractor to ask permission from electrician at sinter plant to to use the electric power at the plant for pipeline anti-rust work.
  5. Print all drawings related to lump ore and coke storage canopy and keep in file.
  6. Do a table in Microsoft Excel to record down all the received 55MW power plant drawings for reference. Copy missed drawings from Chuan Guo contractor.
  7. Study drawing plan of boiler foundation at 55MW power plant project.
  8. Site visit to billet plant phase 2 project, slag bay project, 55MW power plant project and comprehensive building project. Check the reinforcement work for casting hydraulic station foundation and foundation at mid section of billet plant; reinforcement for boiler foundation at 55MW power plant project.
Week 16 (14/10/2018 - 20/10/2018)
  1. Writing site daily progress report and weekly progress report. Then, send to project groups.
  2. Prepare meeting materials (Weekly report and next week project plan) for the company project meeting.
  3. Attend to site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then send the minutes to project groups. Attend to 55MW power plant project meeting.
  4. Join company weekly safety spot check at billet plant, 55MW power plant project site and lump ore and coke storage project site.
  5. Print out 55MW power plant main plant additional pile points drawing and keep in file.
  6. Pass the training room project acceptance form to Administration department for signage from HOD.
  7. Site visit to billet plant phase 2 project, slag bay project, 55MW power plant project and comprehensive building project. Check the reinforcement work for boiler foundation at 55MW power plant project with consultant and superior.
Week 17 (21/10/2018 - 27/10/2018)
  1. Writing site daily progress report and weekly progress report. Added photos in the daily report as requested by the company CEO. Then, send to project groups.
  2. Prepare meeting materials (Weekly report and next week project plan) for the company project meeting.
  3. Attend to site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then send the minutes to project groups. Attend to 55MW power plant project meeting.
  4. Check the steel materials and measurement used for slag bay plant with contractor.
  5. Edit the drawing plan of wires protection platform at IMP. Then re-check the materials and measurements of the platform with contractor.
  6. Print pile point drawing plan of 55MW power plant project and acceptance form for site checking reference and signage for acceptance respectively.
  7. Draw a structure plan of crusher machine foundation at RMY by using AutoCAD 2016. Then, send to HOD for verification and signation before the work started.
  8. Site visit to billet plant phase 2 project, slag bay project, 55MW power plant project and coke and lump ore storage canopy project. Check the specification of work for the projects. 

Week 18 (28/10/2018 - 3/11/2018)
  1. Writing site daily progress report and weekly progress report. Then, send to project groups.
  2. Prepare meeting materials (Weekly report and next week project plan) for the company project meeting.
  3. Attend to site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then send the minutes to project groups. Attend to 55MW power plant project meeting.
  4. Edit the structure plan of crusher machine foundation at RMY (add a foundation and floor slab) by using AutoCAD 2016.
  5. Prepare handover order for the foundation that pile driven work have been done at 55MW power plant project and check the piles point with contractor. Then both parties sign for the order for handover process.
  6. Site visit to billet plant phase 2 project, slag bay project, 55MW power plant project and coke and lump ore storage canopy project. Check the specification of work for the projects.

Week 19 (4/11/2018 - 10/11/2018)
  1. Writing site daily progress report and weekly progress report. Then, send to project groups.
  2. Prepare meeting materials (Weekly report and next week project plan) for the company project meeting.
  3. Attend to site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then send the minutes to project groups. Attend to 55MW power plant project meeting.
  4. Handover the finished foundation piles point driven work order to contractor. Ask contractor to move the soil and materials on site that obstructed the foundation pile points driven work.
  5. Check the measurement and amount of roof and wall tiles changed by the contractor based on the drawing prepared by contractor.
  6. Edit a plan of slab concrete work at SMP.
  7. Site visit to 55MW power plant project and coke and lump ore storage canopy project. Check the specification of work for the projects.
Week 20 (11/11/2018 - 15/11/2018)
  1. Writing site daily progress report and weekly progress report. Then, send to project groups.
  2. Prepare meeting materials (Weekly report and next week project plan) for the company project meeting.
  3. Attend to site meeting and writing meeting minutes. Then send the minutes to project groups. Attend to 55MW power plant project meeting.
  4. Study the main plant foundation drawing of 55MW power plant project.
  5. Attend to company monthly safety meeting.
  6. Keep record of scattered project applications and drawing plans of 55MW power plant project in Microsoft Excel.
  7. Site visit to 55MW power plant project and coke and lump ore storage canopy project. Check the specification of work for the projects.


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